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Energy Work, Psionics, & Paranormal Studies => General Psi | Psychic | Psionics | Energetic Discussion => Topic started by: SoulSplat on February 06, 2009, 06:35:50 PM

Title: Psi Balls / Wheels / Programmed Constructs?
Post by: SoulSplat on February 06, 2009, 06:35:50 PM
Transfered From Suscitatio Forum
Posted By: Merticus
On: February 03, 2008, 02:46:47 PM

What success or failures have you've had with simple construct and manipulation exercises?  Techniques?  Shapes?  Types?  What type of programming were you able to assign to each?

Title: Re: Psi Balls / Wheels / Programmed Constructs?
Post by: SoulSplat on February 06, 2009, 06:36:48 PM
Transfered From Suscitatio Forum
Posted By: WingedWolfPsion
On: February 03, 2008, 08:28:08 PM

I create very complex constructs successfully.  I don't have problems with simple manipulations.  I still have some issues with getting constructs to last for longer than a few years, which is why I have a business partner.

Title: Re: Psi Balls / Wheels / Programmed Constructs?
Post by: SoulSplat on February 06, 2009, 06:37:37 PM
Transfered From Suscitatio Forum
Posted By: Intent_Analysis
On: February 05, 2008, 02:37:57 PM

The problem with Constructs for me is Permanency, as I become distracted from one moment to the next.  My current project is the creation of a simple space, which I am modeling after the Tree of Life in The Fountain, after having sensed it's viability (particularly in the scene where it is floating to Shibalba) as a meditation space.

Simply put, the exercise goes like this.

Close your eyes, and look into the void.  In the void are many millions of stars, each too far away to touch, but seeming so clase that their warmth radiates upon you.

In this void, near you, is a tree.  This tree is brown, with cracked bark, and no leaves.  It is surrounded on all sides by grass, waist-high, of a wheat yellow, and dry, cracked earth.  You are seated on this island, no more than thirty feet in diameter, with the tree as it's center, eyes closed.  Contemplate your own position (whatever position you use to meditate), and watch yourself, watching meditation.  Feel the sense of peace that fills this other you, this entity who's sole purpose in existance is to wait for death, to be freed from the mortal shell that binds it and restricts it's power.  Watch it until you can sense it's eyes opening, and when they do, stare into them.  This being is not you, but your higher consciousness, the part of you that is aware fully of the cycles of the Universe.  The part of you that knows that old idiom, "Behind the turmoil of the Universe, Everything is Secretly Ok."  See the peace in this beings eyes, and know that you share this sacred space with him as well.  Know that this being is your connection to God and the supernatural, and that this being, Ultimately, knows All Things, without doubt.  Ask this being a question, if you must, and study it's reaction.  It may not speak.  But if it casts it's eyes upwards, towards Shibalba, and the Ultimate Death and Rebirth, know that Ultimately, the question you ask is Trivial, and a matter you should not concern yourself with.

According to Solomon, it is found that all things are futile, and all thigns are meaningless.  The only thing that truly matters is obedience to God.

Come to this place to seek His Will for yourself, and meditate on it here, in the stars and the Void, and recognize that you are not the Man, but you are indeed the bubble, the sphere that holds the Man, the Grass, and The Tree, on it's way to destruction...and the Man is your Inner Peace, and he waits only for your visit.


Title: Re: Psi Balls / Wheels / Programmed Constructs?
Post by: SoulSplat on February 06, 2009, 06:38:28 PM
Transfered From Suscitatio Forum
Posted By: WingedWolfPsion
On: February 13, 2008, 03:56:41 PM

You mean focus?  Distraction wouldn't necessarily affect the longevity of a construct.  I'm not quite sure what you meant by 'permanency'.

In any case, longevity is a skill that can be improved through practice like the rest, and my constructs can now last for up to a decade, whereas when I started out making them, they would last for less than a year.

I intend to continue improving this ability, as I would like to be able to make constructs that can maintain themselves indefinitely.

Title: Re: Psi Balls / Wheels / Programmed Constructs?
Post by: SoulSplat on February 06, 2009, 06:39:15 PM
Transfered From Suscitatio Forum
Posted By: Intent_Analysis
On: February 15, 2008, 05:47:37 PM

I mean permanency.

Title: Re: Psi Balls / Wheels / Programmed Constructs?
Post by: SoulSplat on February 06, 2009, 06:39:57 PM
Transfered From Suscitatio Forum
Posted By: WingedWolfPsion
On: February 15, 2008, 06:33:16 PM

This makes no sense in context, though.  Nothing is actually permanent--so you must mean the longevity of the construct.  How long it can last without additional energy, or how long it can last while taking energy from various sources and maintaining/repairing itself.  But that doesn't have a direct relation to distraction, at least no more than any other part of construct creation.  The distraction issue relates to maintaining focus, which isn't the same as having problems making constructs last a long time (though all parts of construct creation, or any OTHER sort of psi-work, can be adversely impacted by lack of focus).

Title: Re: Psi Balls / Wheels / Programmed Constructs?
Post by: SoulSplat on February 06, 2009, 06:42:02 PM
Transfered From Suscitatio Forum
Posted By: Intent_Analysis
On: February 16, 2008, 03:40:28 PM

No, nothing is permanent.

But some things maintain a degree of permanence.  I guess you could say "Longevity," though that word does not accurately portray wht I am trying to achieve.

I want solid, physical results, that will not break down over time.  Calcifying energy to create a "physical" psychic structure, one that requires very minimal maintenance.

I don't need you to tell me that it's not possible, or matter breaks down over time.  I know.

That won't stop me from trying.

Title: Re: Psi Balls / Wheels / Programmed Constructs?
Post by: SoulSplat on February 06, 2009, 06:42:47 PM
Transfered From Suscitatio Forum
Posted By: WingedWolfPsion
On: February 16, 2008, 05:48:55 PM

Well, I don't know that 'calcifying' is the right way to look at it, but what you're trying to achieve is what my school of thought calls 'longevity ability'--to make a distinction between that and other aspects of construct programming.

My mentor has made constructs that have lasted for a decade without additional energy input, so I CAN give some advice on the issue, even if I haven't got my own ability anywhere near that level yet.  I also got some tips from a construct master which, when applied to my own constructs, improved their longevity immediately.

First, understand what goes into allowing a construct to last:
The total quantity of energy it contains.
The efficiency (how much energy it uses to maintain itself).
The stability (an unstable construct loses energy when fluctuations occur).

Observe living things, and wild spirit entities.  Both can give clues on how to make something that lasts.

Give the construct a 'circulatory system'.  Why?  Stagnant energy tends to decay.  A construct must have a means of maintaining itself--because things do decay over time, it has to have a way to distribute its own energy evenly, and repair any degredation that happens to occur.  Constructs can be damaged by outside forces, like anything else.  So, self-repair capabilities, and a well-structured internal energy system will make your construct more efficient.

Many people solve part of the longevity problem by enabling the construct to draw in energy from some source--thus, when it loses energy, it can replenish itself.  This doesn't enable the construct to last forever, of course--all of the other factors must also be accounted for, and most constructs will eventually lose some vital patterning part and fail, though perhaps only after decades or even centuries.  Consider the programming to be like DNA.  However, if you can improve their ability to repair themselves, give them redundant programming, and attend to all of the rest of it, you can create a construct that is essentially immortal so long as it can take in energy from some source.

Title: Re: Psi Balls / Wheels / Programmed Constructs?
Post by: SoulSplat on February 06, 2009, 06:43:20 PM
Transfered From Suscitatio Forum
Posted By: Intent_Analysis
On: February 16, 2008, 11:42:28 PM

Such as myself?

This is really something you have presented here...

Supposing I were to create an ethereal cable between the construct and myself...

But I just had a better, more insideous idea...

Your advice is graciously accepted, Madam Psion.  As always, I enjoy our conversations.

Title: Re: Psi Balls / Wheels / Programmed Constructs?
Post by: SoulSplat on February 06, 2009, 06:43:51 PM
Transfered From Suscitatio Forum
Posted By: WingedWolfPsion
On: February 17, 2008, 01:42:14 AM

Well, it's usually not considered the best idea to tie a construct to yourself that way--particularly for vampiric persons.  Instead, I would recommend giving it the ability to harvest and depattern or filter ambient energy.  Or even create it to run on a plentiful non-human energy source such as earth energy.

Title: Re: Psi Balls / Wheels / Programmed Constructs?
Post by: SoulSplat on February 06, 2009, 06:45:05 PM
Transfered From Suscitatio Forum
Posted By: dr490nw4rri0r
On: February 25, 2008, 02:21:45 AM

I've worked with several methods to varying degrees of success, mostly by feeling my way blindly(not exactly safe, but it's more or less all i have to go on).


I've managed to program my auraic energy to more or less feed on it's own, though at least once every two days i have to conciously feed from someone or something(elements, animals, large trees, open electromagnetic fields, etc). I figured this out by simply forceing my aura to seek out whatever is a decent source of energy, probe to see whether the energy is usable, and then take it in. the disadvantage here is that it causes the occasional massive emotional fluctuation, which occasionally causes me to release more energy through random anger or hyperactivity than I'm taking in, but as I see it, the tradeoff is worth it.


I've made use of several different experimental psi constructs, based on the methods listed on Psipog for creating psiballs. I've used atomic structures, cubes, latticework bubbles, body-hugging shields(which have actually managed to put pressure on my body and slightly restrict breathing and range of movement), 'zaps' from finger to finger(by visualizing the energy around my fingers as tesla coils, which is no easy feat, as I'm otherkin and my fingers are not the same as my otherkin self's fingers), and on several cases, a sword or dagger, during fights in the otherworld/astral plane.

The acheivement of these constructs is relatively easy, and the complexity of them does vary according to use. these occasionally require some measure of focus and concentration, but usually after they're created they become semi-permanent until I disperse them myself.


I've been attempting to create my own method of pyrokinesis, sort of...I'm really not sure what to call it.
the method:

in the same manner as a psiball, gather energy in your palms. imagine this energy as tiny motes of light, all coming together into an enormous one. compact it over and over, until the pressure between your hands becomes slightly painful and very solid. do not expand it, but keep it small.

imagine that your forearms are metal coils. now imagine that the elemental energy of fire is moving itself through those coils and heating them. your forearms will redden slightly, and beads of sweat may form on them. this will be slightly painful, again.

Now, those supercharged coils will take the elemental energy and charge it into the superdense construct you have created. if this doesn't happen automatically, force it, and i mean force it. keep the energy pumping into it. it may help to keep an open flame nearby, such as a large or multi-wicked candle or ideally, a bonfire or fireplace(in the case of the latter two you should keep them at your back so that the brilliance of the light doesn't distract you from the task at hand).

With the energy still pumping into the construct, you will feel your hands heat up. this will, again, probably hurt, it may even hurt alot. ignore the pain and keep the focus. the ball will be slightly visible at this point, sort of like a dim haze.

this is as far as I was ever able to get. it actually felt like I was holding a ball of boiling water, and the pain would get to the point where I was unable to continue. what was supposed to follow would be that the energy of myself and the energy i was drawing from would compact with the elemental energy and essence of fire, and make itself into a ball of flame. Of course, this would have to be thrown away at once or it would burn your hands.


I've managed to do two things with construct programming.
first, I've held a construct together and formed it in my hand, allowed it to roll off, down a creek's edge(it actually bent the grass around it, I'm proud to say), and down into the water, where I lost concentration approximately 3 metres away when it hit a rock and bounced.
second, I've created constructs that I programmed to be intelligent. As a precaution I've given them one week lifespans and let them roam free. I typically link them to an otherworldly energy source, such as an elemental energy or a shadowcreature or something along those lines...something either expendable or endless.

Title: Re: Psi Balls / Wheels / Programmed Constructs?
Post by: SoulSplat on February 06, 2009, 06:46:10 PM
Transfered From Suscitatio Forum
Posted By: Solora
On: March 05, 2008, 10:18:22 PM

Honestly my favorite thing to do when I'm bored and with a circle of capable people is to play construct games. We'll play catch with psi-balls and make different colors and shapes, see which one is stronger. Sometimes we'll have constructs ram into each other until one shatters. It's actually great for skill building. I had been completely solitary for my whole life until a few months ago so the new found world of working with others has been absolutely phenomenal. I highly recommend finding people to work with if you can.

Title: Re: Psi Balls / Wheels / Programmed Constructs?
Post by: SoulSplat on February 06, 2009, 06:46:53 PM
Transfered From Suscitatio Forum
Posted By: Paradox
On: March 22, 2008, 06:16:05 PM

I wish I had a group to work with but its like pulling teeth to get my friends who are energy manipulators and such to congrigate.  And when I talk to people who are supposedly witches or magicians or whatever they want to call themselves they give me the "O_o!" face and a phrase closely resembling this always fly out their mouths "... yeah... I know right... ... moses was the shit for that goetia stuff."

I just find it really hard to find someone who isn't a complete poser, hell I could deal with newbies but posers just bug me.  I'm willing to educate a poser if they are willing but really some of them are just to busy thinking that they can make vanquishing potions from their charmed replica Book of shadows -_-
Woops let me stop right there I'm starting to rant (bitterly rant).

Title: Re: Psi Balls / Wheels / Programmed Constructs?
Post by: Removed on February 26, 2009, 03:44:18 AM
Well I wasn't aware of what I was capable of when I was awakening. At that time I was into the occult and I was using the... benefits of being a practitioner of chaos magick. Anyone who knows Chaos knows of Servitors, so in this case that is what I started with. I would shape animals and beasts then program them to do what I wanted them to do. I treated them like pets and I felt responsible for them. The thing with servitors that is different from constructs is that Constructs are very specific and Servitors are driven simply by intent. To that end I have stuck with the method of servitors and paired it with the understanding of constructs.

Tech constructs are very specific in that they are whole systems, almost like an industrial machine in a factory, but servitors need a lot less detail. If you created a construct and designed it to keep your shield up, as you got more experienced you would learn and design better shields more efficient at doing their task, and each time you add something to the construct it gets changed, becomes "more" and this is the difference between Constructs and Servitors. Servitors are almost exactly like a sigil. You can program a sigil to be very specific based on whatever intent you want it to have. A servitor can be programmed to have multiple abilities all in 1 go without creating all these different "parts" that a construct requires.

Needless to say this can be quite dangerous if you aren't experienced enough to detail the correct intention for the right moments. It's literally quite limitless and it's almost as if you are creating another person entirely. You can give a servitor it's own reactions to act in a certain way at a specific time. To that end you could then create a very simple construct inside of a necklace or a tattoo and then store the other servitor inside of it until it needs to be used.

For example, why have your strongest shield up 24/7? It seems rather pointless to me because the chances of you being attacked at that frequency are very slim. You could just program a servitor or construct to stabalize and empower your strongest shields whenever you want them to by calling on it and drawing it from storage, and while not being attacked you could just use a standard shield that you use to keep out the unwanted things of everyday life.

Try to think outside of the box. It all comes down to simple logic, just like computer programming I think.

Title: Re: Psi Balls / Wheels / Programmed Constructs?
Post by: WingedWolfPsion on April 10, 2009, 05:06:24 PM
My understanding of servitors is that they were the same thing as constructs, merely viewed through a different philosophical system (ie, magery instead of psionics).  While the system a person may use to create them could be different, the end result is exactly the same.

I can't offhand thing of a trait that actually sets them apart.  I think it's just a matter of semantics.