Atlanta Vampire Alliance [AVA]

Vampires & Vampirism => General Vampirism Discussion => Topic started by: Merticus on February 08, 2008, 02:18:41 PM

Title: Have You Ever Been The Subject Of Discrimination As A Vampire?
Post by: Merticus on February 08, 2008, 02:18:41 PM
Have you ever experienced discrimination when someone found out that you identified as a sanguinarian or psi vampire?

How did this affect your life, routine, relationships?

If you had it to do over again would you not purposefully reveal or try to hide your nature better?

Title: Re: Question: Have you ever been the subject of discrimination at a vampire?
Post by: NyteMuse on February 14, 2008, 03:29:33 PM
Of a sort, yes.  I lost a very close friend, or at least started the process of losing.  Zie was my closest confidante, so when I came back from Ohio all confused, I told zir everything.  Even if I hadn't, zie picked up on it, because zie is a very strong psychic/witch.  Zie kept a fair bit of distance while we had lunch and even though outwardly zie appeared caring, I could see a wall shut down behind zir eyes.  I finally called zir on it and adjured zir NOT to lie, and zie admitted that zie was having some issues because zie had known an unawakened psyvamp in the past who made zir life hellish, and because we were in a coven together and I think zie was having trust issues, which isn't conducive to a working coven.  7 months later, we are barely speaking.  Zie doesn't think anything is wrong, but I can't trust zir with many things and zie is not willing to track me down to chat, we only talk when we happen to be at the same event.

How would I have changed things?  Well, if I'd known then that this was a big issue or that zie had communication issues, I probably would not have confided quite as much.  In fact, immediately after, when I realized zie was having issues, I shut down a lot.  I offered to answer any questions or discuss vampirism in the theoretical, but I stopped telling zir about my personal issues and explorations, and didn't bring it up often or call attention to it. (There are certain friends I just don't wear my House Kheperu shirt around *chuckle*) I don't know if I really could have hidden it because, like I said, zie sensed it before I even openly admitted it to myself (yes, yet again, I was the last to know something about me).  I have a lot of friends who I AM open with about most of my life, so I guess I kind of wrote zir off as a friend-not-worth-having if zie couldn't deal with something that important to me, and was glad I found out earlier than later.  I don't go into full disclosure with everyone, but if I meet someone who I think I may want to belong to my inner circle of friends, I don't censor myself.  If they're worth being there, they'll be fine with it; if they're not, they won't be and it's better I find out early.

Now, in my JOB, I'm a lot more discreet.  And all my friends who know know not to spread tales, as I consider my paganism, my involvement in kink, my sexuality, and my vampirism intimate details that I should be able to decide who gets to know.  A lot of the words used to describe those paths/involvements carry some negative connotations and I would rather allow someone to meet me first and see that I'm really quite rational and sane before those terms come out, whereas if someone who doesn't know me hears I'm vampiric, zie will have a pre-conceived idea of me.

Title: Re: Question: Have you ever been the subject of discrimination at a vampire?
Post by: Glenn on April 15, 2008, 12:36:07 AM
I started to explain it to a girl I have known for a long time, but could not get past explaining my need for energy. She did not understand. So I dropped the subject. Never got to the vampire part. I don't think it affected the relationship. Many people that know me personally know I have a dark side and consider me different, but do not know the details. I keep it mostly to myself as I have a fear of discrimination.

Title: Re: Question: Have you ever been the subject of discrimination at a vampire?
Post by: 3bouda on April 16, 2008, 02:14:17 PM
I've never tell someone about beignin vampire, if i do everyone will call me a bloodsucker or gothic, or worst a satanique, so i keep it on me... One day i tell a friend about it, he said " oo ur going crazy dude, " and he change the subject , so like a said i keep it on me

Title: Re: Question: Have you ever been the subject of discrimination at a vampire?
Post by: Glenn on April 18, 2008, 12:22:33 PM
I think places like AVA are really good because you can talk about here. Otherwise there would be no one to talk to.

Title: Re: Question: Have you ever been the subject of discrimination at a vampire?
Post by: TAYLOR on April 24, 2008, 05:35:57 AM
I have, but i think it was more due to my skin tone than the lifestyle. Most people can't really associate how an urban African American can "fall" into the vampiric lifestyle, and that's were i pretty much tell them i didn't fall into anything. nonetheless people will always have things to say, no one can control what others do, you can however govern your actions and responses to said comments.I prefer the "water off a duck's back" approach myself.

Title: Re: Question: Have you ever been the subject of discrimination at a vampire?
Post by: Pirogoeth on July 01, 2008, 01:57:21 AM
I've told multiple people...and every single one has been really cool about it

._. guess I'm one of those lucky few that don't have to worry about it >_>

Title: Re: Question: Have you ever been the subject of discrimination at a vampire?
Post by: SoulSplat on July 23, 2008, 01:55:11 AM
Yes. Next question.

Title: Re: Question: Have you ever been the subject of discrimination at a vampire?
Post by: Glenn on August 25, 2008, 09:38:16 PM
Would you mind sharing a little about it?

Title: Re: Question: Have you ever been the subject of discrimination as a vampire?
Post by: ClayCat on November 26, 2008, 03:21:09 AM
I haven't, but I am pretty discreet about telling people, especially since a friend told a few other people at work without my permission (he's young, what can I say). Fortunately, no one seemed to care and I have not experienced any flack about it.

Periodically on other sites I've run into individuals who like to compare the type of discrimination one might experience as a vamp to the experiences of ethnic minorities in this country, and I have to say that I find this just a little ridiculous. I can disguise being a vampire very well when I choose to do so, but I can't disguise my race without wearing a bag over my head, so I would say that no, they are definitely not the same. A better comparison, in my opinion, would be the discrimination those of us who follow nonmainstream religions run across.

Title: Re: Question: Have you ever been the subject of discrimination as a vampire?
Post by: AyraGrace on November 26, 2008, 08:27:44 AM
I would rather stay "in the coffin" on this subject. I told a really good close friend and their reaction was it is just a phase.If it was not for places like A.V.A. I think I would lose what few marbles I have left. People in general just do not understand. Keep a lifestyle secret is difficult because you have to be careful so in essence it does effect my life.

Title: Re: Have You Ever Been The Subject Of Discrimination As A Vampire?
Post by: Removed on February 18, 2009, 09:48:33 PM
Yes, I had a problem when I first began to awaken. I made the mistake of telling my mom and she sounded really understanding. Then she told my dad and he is convinced that I am psychotic. My mom has since "seen the light" so to speak but we don't talk about it at all really. It was a very uncomfortable situation at the time though.

Title: Re: Have You Ever Been The Subject Of Discrimination As A Vampire?
Post by: Tha Oracle on February 20, 2009, 02:13:25 AM
 I'm in the coffin as far as it goes with my immediate family since their religious. As for friends that are mundane, although they are fully aware of my gifts, I continue to keep my anonymity of them being vampire traits. I feel that it's safer that way. It's my business. Plus it does say in the black veil to use discretion. I knew every since the beginning that it was important for me to do so.

Title: Re: Have You Ever Been The Subject Of Discrimination As A Vampire?
Post by: de libre on February 21, 2009, 07:14:11 PM
I try to be a very confident person when I speak, so that tends to make others less apt to think I am crazy when I just spit something out. I find communication highly important, especially on uncommon topics such as vampirism. I tell who I need to tell and that is about it, though I am pretty open in general. Because I don't wear fangs, dress gothic, wear crazy colored contact lens, people are willing to take me more seriously (no offense to any of you that do), that is just how it is.

It's only affected me in the sense of does this person (love/like) me as a friend/sig. other for me or for what I am. (like people who are rich) Most friends have taken it fine, explaining it's just a part of me nothing more. On occasion I do have the few that try to make sexual advances, obsess and even stalk. With those people I either try to talk to them calmly and resolve the issue or stop all communication/contact with said person.

Recently I talked to a psychologist about my being, because frankly I was at a point where I didn't really care, and might as well tell how I felt about everything if I was coming in to actually improve myself. It really is about how you communicate, the more relaxed, blunt, casual, and realistic about it you are...I've found most will accept you. This person took it very well and I could continue my conversation without any anxiety. It's nice.

Title: Re: Have You Ever Been The Subject Of Discrimination As A Vampire?
Post by: RedRaven on March 04, 2009, 03:48:43 AM
Yes. Its especially hard to deal with when it is a loved one who does the discriminating.

Title: Re: Have You Ever Been The Subject Of Discrimination As A Vampire?
Post by: inle01 on March 04, 2009, 06:50:58 AM
I've never knowingly suffered discrimination because of my vampirism. However, in common with many folk who have already posted here, I'm pretty selective on who I tell.

I've had various reactions in confiding, from acceptance to indifference to sheer confusion. A few simply believed I wanted sex (how they got there I have no idea), another friend laughed when he found out, partly because after knowing him for a while I accidentally found out that he was a donor. Other friends know because we worked closely together on a number of magical projects and not knowing could have been to their detriment - as it turned out my 'skills' came in very handy. The best response has been when I've found a fellow vampire, they tend to be curious and sympathetic and I've have some firm friends that way.

The most dissappointing are the ones who don't believe you or ignore what you're saying. I've always tried to talk to people who I think would take me seriously and help me out, but it's always sad when I find out that I've misjudged.

I don't think I'd ever come out publicly. Previously I had a job very much in the public eye and I feel that announcing that I was a vampire would have been detrimental to me and the company I worked for. My family certainly doesn't know and it's unlikely that I will tell them. Occasionally I have moments where I want to tell the world and couldn't give a fig what the world says back. It would be great if everyone was accepting and would make some aspects so much easier to cope with, but now isn't the time. Almost everyone has some dark(ish) secret they are keeping after all, just mine is my vampirism.  ;)

Title: Re: Have You Ever Been The Subject Of Discrimination As A Vampire?
Post by: Altheia on March 09, 2009, 12:03:33 PM
no, because I've never talked about that with friends and family, and I'm also not going to do so.
maybe it's because I know it would be very very difficult. here in Germany it's now OK to be a's just normal. Gothics are like all the others. a different lifestile, different music... but we're all a part of the society. only a minority of people would discriminate Gothics.
So no one care's that I'm a Gothic. but if I would come around and say: Hey I'm a Vampire, that would bring trouble. in the family on the one side, but also I have to be very careful concerning my scientific reputation. a Vampire as Egyptologist? that's to much for all the scientists out there. I definitely can't risk anything like that.
and so I have to deal with my vampire nature like all the other German Vampires I know so far (mainly Sangs): we're hiding what we are, as a protection of our social life. and even most of the longtime friends never know it.

Title: Re: Have You Ever Been The Subject Of Discrimination As A Vampire?
Post by: Calrathoul on March 16, 2009, 07:58:53 PM
Growing up in the Southeast USA, i was discriminated against fairly often. Even attacked on several occasions. However now that I am older and more experienced, I can choose when and where to be "seen" for what I am. Through experience we all learn to blend in, to hide what needs to be hidden, when it is necessary to do so.

If anyone ever needs any tips, I will be glad to share what I have learned, though all of the ideas may not be applicable to all situations and areas.


Title: Re: Have You Ever Been The Subject Of Discrimination As A Vampire?
Post by: dollboy on June 15, 2009, 11:20:00 AM
well everyone at skool thinks im a freak its probilly the way i dress (i live in a small town full of rich ppl) and likeive felt that pll hated me cuz i "look creepy" not as a vampire. though my girl friends was always there to comfort me called me tall dark and creepy i always liked that

Title: Re: Have You Ever Been The Subject Of Discrimination As A Vampire?
Post by: cassidy on June 29, 2009, 05:40:02 PM
I have a pagan friend who asked me straight if I was a pv, I told him I was. He seemed very supportive, until we got into a argurment and he called me a parasite. I was deeply hurt, I couldn't understand how he could claim to be so open minded but be so vicious. We made up not long after that in which he apologized, but until recently he was dead set on tryin to talk me out of what I am, it got to the point that I had to tell him he can accept it of we can not be friends. I excepted him with open arms for what he is, I expected the same. Never the less, we are still friends but not as close as we were. I asked him to please do is research before he judged me or people like me........

Title: Re: Have You Ever Been The Subject Of Discrimination As A Vampire?
Post by: Eclecta on June 30, 2009, 10:12:12 AM
I've been a weirdo all my life, so I don't know if it's because of that or what- that I get looked down upon more often.  I honestly don't care and wouldn't have it any other way.  Most people are very close minded and I'm very happy I'm not one of them. 

Title: Re: Have You Ever Been The Subject Of Discrimination As A Vampire?
Post by: hexmoon3 on June 30, 2009, 10:30:29 PM
That's a funny story mother asked me about it because she found one of my books and freaked out so I had to go into an in depth discussion of energy and ended up just telling her about reiki and how that's energy work used daily and about how some people get sick because they don't have energy and what not...needless to say it was severely grade schooled for her.

Title: Re: Have You Ever Been The Subject Of Discrimination As A Vampire?
Post by: SilverRose on September 15, 2009, 02:02:52 PM
I have gotten alot of crap from the few pwople i have told and it went around the whole school at first i got alot of crap for it and people would ask me stupid questions like do you sleep in a coffin or can you fly or how can you be out in the daylight all of the common myths but now i get the occasional crap from people who were just told and since then i pick and chose very carefully who i tell but the whole situation isn't good for draining people because they no to an extent what i am but i don't think they would know anyway because the have little to no knowledge about modern vampirism.

Title: Re: Have You Ever Been The Subject Of Discrimination As A Vampire?
Post by: asteria on September 15, 2009, 04:49:44 PM
Where I live I am greatly discriminated against because of what I am. If I had a choice my parents would never have revealed it. I live through teasing and taunts everytime I go out.

Title: Re: Have You Ever Been The Subject Of Discrimination As A Vampire?
Post by: SilverRose on September 16, 2009, 11:09:36 AM
You're parents actually know what you are. If i told my parents they would think i was crazy.

Title: Re: Have You Ever Been The Subject Of Discrimination As A Vampire?
Post by: WhiteRabbit on September 19, 2009, 12:19:21 PM
Yes I have, from sang vamps, who felt like they where better than me because they drank blood. It has changed the way I feel about others who are vampires. I have a hard time "comming out" to other vampires or trusting them. I have only ever told one non-vampire about myself. They took it well, but though I could somehow "turn" them.They just didn't get it. Lol, so I don't tell non vampires about myself and I really have a hard time even talking about that part of me to other vampires., though I have online on occasion, Like I have here.

Title: Re: Have You Ever Been The Subject Of Discrimination As A Vampire?
Post by: asteria on September 21, 2009, 10:51:25 AM
You're parents actually know what you are. If i told my parents they would think i was crazy.

My parents know what I am because we are the same. At least you have found acceptance in this site. That should provide some comfort.

Title: Re: Have You Ever Been The Subject Of Discrimination As A Vampire?
Post by: WhiteRabbit on September 25, 2009, 09:23:39 AM
It does. It's just hard sometimes because I would like to have a good relationship with my sister, I miss her dearly. We where really close as children and to have her now not talking to me, well, it just bites.

Title: Re: Have You Ever Been The Subject Of Discrimination As A Vampire?
Post by: paindancer on September 25, 2009, 09:46:14 PM
My childs mother has been the only one who has given me any flack over it, and that eventually passed.

I tend to feed on positive attention so have being personable down pat.  I am perfectly comfortable discussing it with my family, friends, and coworkers if they ask, although I generally dont deliberately mix my personal and professional life.

Title: Re: Have You Ever Been The Subject Of Discrimination As A Vampire?
Post by: Sfinelli3 on September 29, 2009, 09:01:01 AM
I have never been a victim of any serious descrimination because of my Vampirism.  People do taunt and point, but that is only because they don't understand.  They think we are trying to play a childish game and pretend we are the vampires you see in movies, but the problem is, they wont listen when we try to explain the fact that there are real Vampires and that the lifestyle is much different.  My parents know, but do not really care.  My mother more than my father, my father knows I am interested, but doesn't know I practice.  My mother knows, but doesn't ask about it.  So the most descrimination I get is that taunting, but that doesn't bother me much, I know that they are just being ignorant people.

Title: Re: Have You Ever Been The Subject Of Discrimination As A Vampire?
Post by: belovedofdeath on September 29, 2009, 09:22:28 AM
I have never been discriminated again, but I have discriminated against someone who I felt was giving me a lot of negative energy.  Not openly, I just choose to never be around her.  Though, if circumstances were different, I may have decided to talk with her and be open about everything.

At the opposite end of the spectrum, my partner has been very open and understanding with me as far as my vampirism traits go as well.  I suppose I'm lucky. :)

Title: Re: Have You Ever Been The Subject Of Discrimination As A Vampire?
Post by: Sfinelli3 on November 16, 2009, 09:29:15 AM
There is also the mocking.  I am a witch and my name in my Coven is Merlin, and there is a boy in some of my classes that insists on calling me Merlin like it is funny and some kind of joke.  Then there are the people who found out about my Vampirism who make jokes about it constantly.  Like when I'm outside I wear a hat because I am sensitive to the sun, and when someone takes it off of me playfully they will say something like, "dont do that, he'll burn" or something similar.  People just need to grow up.

Title: Re: Have You Ever Been The Subject Of Discrimination As A Vampire?
Post by: asteria on November 16, 2009, 10:06:59 AM
I dont go to regular school so I dont have a problem with that. My parents home school me.

Title: Re: Have You Ever Been The Subject Of Discrimination As A Vampire?
Post by: SilverRose on November 16, 2009, 12:32:21 PM
yea..... i couldn't stand to be home school be my parents i would go crazyer than i already am.

Title: Re: Have You Ever Been The Subject Of Discrimination As A Vampire?
Post by: paindancer on November 16, 2009, 12:36:04 PM
Sometimes, tho, if you make yourself easy to mock, it will happen.  If  you refuse to fit in, you wont, and people will notice.  I dont think its vampric persecution.

Im very open about who I am, and no one bats an eye.

Title: Re: Have You Ever Been The Subject Of Discrimination As A Vampire?
Post by: SilverRose on November 16, 2009, 12:37:54 PM
I dont have a problem being open, sometimes i would prefer it but theres just too many ignorant assholes who just don't get it and i don't think they ever will.

Title: Re: Have You Ever Been The Subject Of Discrimination As A Vampire?
Post by: Sfinelli3 on November 16, 2009, 05:30:20 PM
I agree, I am open about it if asked, but if it is not asked, they need not know. 

Title: Re: Have You Ever Been The Subject Of Discrimination As A Vampire?
Post by: belovedofdeath on November 16, 2009, 06:53:47 PM
Sometimes, tho, if you make yourself easy to mock, it will happen.  If  you refuse to fit in, you wont, and people will notice.  I dont think its vampric persecution.

Im very open about who I am, and no one bats an eye.

correct me if i am wrong, but i think it's safe to say that bdsm community and people who associate with people in the bdsm community generally tend to be extremely open-minded.

though, this doesn't mean i dont fully agree with your statement--if you *feel* like there's something "other people" could mock about you, people will pick up on that and mock you.  it's almost self-defeating.

Title: Re: Have You Ever Been The Subject Of Discrimination As A Vampire?
Post by: Removed on November 16, 2009, 07:42:27 PM
if you *feel* like there's something "other people" could mock about you, people will pick up on that and mock you.  it's almost self-defeating.

Yup, that's true but some neighborhoods are worse than others.
I would never speak up about my condition here in NY. I told some of my family once and they freaked out, my father probably still thinks I'm crazy but luckily I don't give a shit what he thinks. The way I see it, if someone isn't empathetic enough to figure it out on their own then I'm not going to waste my time explaining it to them. Most pagans can see it from a mile away regardless, and most I meet in real life do.
There are people in this world who will mess with you just for the sake of messing with you, and it can get really ugly sometimes. Don't give them that power over you, your reaction and your opinion is all that really matters.
It's really easy to walk away. You just put 1 foot in front of the other.

It's nobody else's business. Beyond that, there is no reason for you to give them that much power over you.
If you are being mocked or teased, don't get mad--get even. You only get 1 shot at this. No one deserves to feel less of themselves because of the opinions of others. If I can make it out of such a thing, then anybody can. ;)

It's just perception, how you see things. A change in awareness can change everything. If you open your eyes, you'll see the only opinion that matters is yours. If you don't let it get to you then it doesn't matter. If you don't agree then walk away, there are other people much more popular than them that do not act that way. Just because they are being dramatic, doesn't mean that they are suddenly the end all of everything. They only have that power if you give it to them.

But it's best not to remain quiet. Even walking away is something, but don't just stand there. :-\

Title: Re: Have You Ever Been The Subject Of Discrimination As A Vampire?
Post by: paindancer on November 16, 2009, 07:56:43 PM
correct me if i am wrong, but i think it's safe to say that bdsm community and people who associate with people in the bdsm community generally tend to be extremely open-minded.

though, this doesn't mean i dont fully agree with your statement--if you *feel* like there's something "other people" could mock about you, people will pick up on that and mock you.  it's almost self-defeating.

I am also a proud parent, member of a magement associeation of a large and very concervative condominium, photographer and sucessful engineer in the defense industry.  I manage all of those just fine as well.  ;)  And yes, some of them know about my alternative traits.  Its not so bad when you know how to blend in a way that dosnt conflict with what you are. 

Title: Re: Have You Ever Been The Subject Of Discrimination As A Vampire?
Post by: asteria on November 17, 2009, 10:04:05 AM
Do you think you have passed it on to your children.

Title: Re: Have You Ever Been The Subject Of Discrimination As A Vampire?
Post by: paindancer on November 17, 2009, 11:06:59 AM
Well, I dont think vampirism is a biological trait, but one resultant from a spiritual condition, so my  personal belief is that it is not something that is passed down genetically.  However, my belief is also that souls work together and plan things out a bit.  When he was 3, he very calmly and matter-of-factly described his body differences compared to what he 'should' have, and they were spot on to some of my own issues (and no, I never coached him).

There is a possibility that he is a similar soul type to me doing the same thing I am.  He might have the same energy issues as well.  Currently, he dosnt seem to, and it is not up to me to determine his path for him.  If he develops them, I will be there to advise him.  Its far too easy for a parent to project what they want onto their children opposed to letting them be who they are.

Title: Re: Have You Ever Been The Subject Of Discrimination As A Vampire?
Post by: belovedofdeath on November 17, 2009, 11:12:38 AM
correct me if i am wrong, but i think it's safe to say that bdsm community and people who associate with people in the bdsm community generally tend to be extremely open-minded.

though, this doesn't mean i dont fully agree with your statement--if you *feel* like there's something "other people" could mock about you, people will pick up on that and mock you.  it's almost self-defeating.

I am also a proud parent, member of a management association of a large and very conservative condominium, photographer and successful engineer in the defense industry.  I manage all of those just fine as well.  ;)  And yes, some of them know about my alternative traits.  Its not so bad when you know how to blend in a way that doesn't conflict with what you are. 

oh neato. :3 

defense industry?  remind me to pm you about that sometime.

Title: Re: Have You Ever Been The Subject Of Discrimination As A Vampire?
Post by: GraVes on November 17, 2009, 02:11:22 PM
Yes but I blame myself. I was new to what I was doing and was seeking acceptance and so I went to the goth, punk, metal, whatever subculture trying to find others like me and I was, how would you say, too open with them and they belittled me for it. That would be why I've kept closed about this for the last few years. But no better time than the present to awaken.

Title: Re: Have You Ever Been The Subject Of Discrimination As A Vampire?
Post by: Sfinelli3 on November 17, 2009, 02:15:41 PM
Yes, you have to be careful who you're open to.  Even though I am very open to people, some people I dont lie, but I tell them in a way that does not actually tell them.  It is mostly people of other minorities that will relate and not judge, such as pagans, and maybe some racial minorities, and even some Christians who really dont care.  You just should get to know the people first before revealing.

Title: Re: Have You Ever Been The Subject Of Discrimination As A Vampire?
Post by: GraVes on November 17, 2009, 02:23:06 PM
And being in the South doesn't open too many doors in my book lol.

Title: Re: Have You Ever Been The Subject Of Discrimination As A Vampire?
Post by: Sfinelli3 on November 17, 2009, 02:24:28 PM
Ah yes, Southerners, the most closed people in the country.  Ugh!

Title: Re: Have You Ever Been The Subject Of Discrimination As A Vampire?
Post by: GraVes on November 17, 2009, 02:35:10 PM
I can't argue that but I do try to see the best in all people. Too trusting I guess.

Title: Re: Have You Ever Been The Subject Of Discrimination As A Vampire?
Post by: Sfinelli3 on November 17, 2009, 02:39:19 PM
You just have to find a small group of people who accept you, even one person, it makes all the difference.

Title: Re: Have You Ever Been The Subject Of Discrimination As A Vampire?
Post by: GraVes on November 17, 2009, 02:57:42 PM
With that in mind I have joined the AVA. Trying to take the first steps here

Title: Re: Have You Ever Been The Subject Of Discrimination As A Vampire?
Post by: Sfinelli3 on November 17, 2009, 02:58:25 PM
Yeah, I was talking about friends in person.

Title: Re: Have You Ever Been The Subject Of Discrimination As A Vampire?
Post by: GraVes on November 17, 2009, 03:05:44 PM
Yeah still trying to figure out how to do that here and now. I just uprooted and moved here and I know no one so......yeah

Title: Re: Have You Ever Been The Subject Of Discrimination As A Vampire?
Post by: Sfinelli3 on November 17, 2009, 03:07:34 PM
It'll take time, just keep looking.

Title: Re: Have You Ever Been The Subject Of Discrimination As A Vampire?
Post by: GraVes on November 17, 2009, 03:17:40 PM
HAH it's like a self-help seminar lol. Thanks though. Ive never had problems getting to know people, I'm just trying to meet me. I've never had that before because I've never been open about it for fear of being discriminated against. I've only had one donor before so.....

Title: Re: Have You Ever Been The Subject Of Discrimination As A Vampire?
Post by: onelight on November 18, 2009, 08:41:34 AM
I have open my self up to my friends and my some of my family and the understaned me more now.

Title: Re: Have You Ever Been The Subject Of Discrimination As A Vampire?
Post by: Sfinelli3 on November 18, 2009, 08:44:17 AM
Well, I can understand family and previous friends understanding, but it is really hard to find new friends who will understand.

Title: Re: Have You Ever Been The Subject Of Discrimination As A Vampire?
Post by: SilverRose on November 18, 2009, 09:06:26 AM
i have a better chance for my friends to understand if i told my family i would get disowned or sent to psychiatrists so i just don't tell my family anything.

Title: Re: Have You Ever Been The Subject Of Discrimination As A Vampire?
Post by: Sfinelli3 on November 18, 2009, 09:08:06 AM
Yes, there is also always that.  I dont understand how parents can be so cruel as to critisize their children about what they believe.  My mother always says "whatever you believe is real for you" and that is how I think all parents should feel.

Title: Re: Have You Ever Been The Subject Of Discrimination As A Vampire?
Post by: SilverRose on November 18, 2009, 09:15:31 AM
i wish my parents were like that but i mean look at the time period they grew up in there set in there ways for lack of a better phrase.

Title: Re: Have You Ever Been The Subject Of Discrimination As A Vampire?
Post by: Sfinelli3 on November 18, 2009, 09:17:23 AM
the times have certainly taken a toll on peoples minds, but at least things are getting better.  People are becoming more and more open to things like us.  Soon we should be able to finally come out of our shell and actually live and meet in public places without people yelling at us, telling us "you can still be saved."

Title: Re: Have You Ever Been The Subject Of Discrimination As A Vampire?
Post by: SilverRose on November 18, 2009, 09:18:49 AM
Yes that would be wonderful

Title: Re: Have You Ever Been The Subject Of Discrimination As A Vampire?
Post by: Sfinelli3 on November 18, 2009, 09:51:38 AM
i was at wokr one day and my car has many Pagan bumper stickers on it, and when I came out of work someone had put a note under my windshield wiper that said "You can still be saved.  You can still find Jesus."  Honestly I died laughing and threw it away.

Title: Re: Have You Ever Been The Subject Of Discrimination As A Vampire?
Post by: SilverRose on November 18, 2009, 09:53:46 AM
Ha! thats hilarious i would have laughed to

Title: Re: Have You Ever Been The Subject Of Discrimination As A Vampire?
Post by: Sfinelli3 on November 18, 2009, 09:55:37 AM
And the thing is they were serious!  I hate it when people are so ignorant.

Title: Re: Have You Ever Been The Subject Of Discrimination As A Vampire?
Post by: SilverRose on November 18, 2009, 09:58:51 AM
Me too but thats life for you there are so many people like that here thats exactly why i don't tell people and the one time i did i got in many of stupid convos with this ignorant bitch at my school and religion and i would say that at an arguement stand point i would have won as far as debating goes because she got to the point were she was just like no no no i just know your wrong your goin to hell and i was just laughing.

Title: Re: Have You Ever Been The Subject Of Discrimination As A Vampire?
Post by: Sfinelli3 on November 18, 2009, 10:00:25 AM
Yeah, they tend to contradict themselves quite often in a religious debate.

Title: Re: Have You Ever Been The Subject Of Discrimination As A Vampire?
Post by: GraVes on November 18, 2009, 10:03:16 AM
Yeah I have 2 of those "What would..." bumper stickers on my car. One says "What Would Buddha Do" and the other says "What Would Pacman Do". I use to have one that said "WWJD- Who Wants Jack Daniels" But I digress:

My parents could never accept this part of my life. When they found out I had sex when I was 14 they put me into Christian Counseling. When they found out I was smoking cigarettes they put me into a Christian school. When I turned 18 I got a few piercings and they kicked me out of the house. I love my mom but change isn't something she could deal with. Shes already said if I ever go gay to never tell her or she'd have no son.

Title: Re: Have You Ever Been The Subject Of Discrimination As A Vampire?
Post by: SilverRose on November 18, 2009, 10:08:11 AM
yea they tend to do that in those types of arguements.

Title: Re: Have You Ever Been The Subject Of Discrimination As A Vampire?
Post by: GraVes on November 18, 2009, 09:22:25 PM
yeah I hope I don't overreact if I ever have kids

Title: Re: Have You Ever Been The Subject Of Discrimination As A Vampire?
Post by: Removed on November 18, 2009, 09:24:44 PM
Generally speaking, I think most parents tend to raise their kids exactly opposite of how their parents raised them. My mom's parents were very strict so she was very lenient with me.

Title: Re: Have You Ever Been The Subject Of Discrimination As A Vampire?
Post by: GraVes on November 18, 2009, 09:30:29 PM
oh god......I wonder what the opposite of my parents would be? lol

Title: Re: Have You Ever Been The Subject Of Discrimination As A Vampire?
Post by: paindancer on November 19, 2009, 12:04:10 AM
And the thing is they were serious!  I hate it when people are so ignorant.

Out of curiosity, why is it ok to plaster your car with bumper stickers for everyone to see, and its not ok for someone to answer you in turn with their beliefs in a fashion where only you would see it?

Pot?  Meet Kettle.

Title: Re: Have You Ever Been The Subject Of Discrimination As A Vampire?
Post by: belovedofdeath on November 19, 2009, 01:38:29 PM
Yeah I have 2 of those "What would..." bumper stickers on my car. One says "What Would Buddha Do" and the other says "What Would Pacman Do". I use to have one that said "WWJD- Who Wants Jack Daniels" But I digress:

My parents could never accept this part of my life. When they found out I had sex when I was 14 they put me into Christian Counseling. When they found out I was smoking cigarettes they put me into a Christian school. When I turned 18 I got a few piercings and they kicked me out of the house. I love my mom but change isn't something she could deal with. Shes already said if I ever go gay to never tell her or she'd have no son.

hahahahahahahaha, if i ever deigned to put stickers on my car, i would love to get some of those.

Generally speaking, I think most parents tend to raise their kids exactly opposite of how their parents raised them. My mom's parents were very strict so she was very lenient with me.

i think that this is true in some cases, but not in all.  my step mom was raised very strict, like catholic school girl, father was a police officer, five children strict.  and she raised me and my sisters the same way, figuring if she went through it either a) we could too or b) by god it was her turn to get back at someone for how she was raised. my dad on the other hand was raised very leniently but if he ever got in trouble, my grandfather would give him hell--he was a high ranking official in the military and they used to travel around a lot and wouldn't stand to be embarrassed by his son running around the neighborhood with the local hooligans or wearing the latest outlandish styles. clean cut and american he was to be. :3  so, when he raised us, he tended to like to want to let us do our own thing and express ourselves--but step-mom generally got in the way of that.  result? workaholic father (just like his dad) and lunatic step-mother (just like her mom).

ive definitely encountered cases of people being raised opposite of how their parents raised them though, but for the most part while they raise them oppositely, i feel like they still tend to become like how their parents were.

i know that IF i ever have children, i'll probably raise them like how my best friend's mom raised her and her siblings, lenient but with clearly defined ground rules and an ability to have a discussion about the rules and how they felt without punishing them.  haha! break the cycle--stick it to the man!! >:O


Title: Re: Have You Ever Been The Subject Of Discrimination As A Vampire?
Post by: Sfinelli3 on November 19, 2009, 03:14:06 PM
And the thing is they were serious!  I hate it when people are so ignorant.

Out of curiosity, why is it ok to plaster your car with bumper stickers for everyone to see, and its not ok for someone to answer you in turn with their beliefs in a fashion where only you would see it?

Pot?  Meet Kettle.

Because I am merely expressing my views, they are critisizing my views by telling me I am completely wrong.  It is a bit insulting dont you think?

Title: Re: Have You Ever Been The Subject Of Discrimination As A Vampire?
Post by: GraVes on November 19, 2009, 03:17:18 PM
A friend of mine had some pagan stickers on her car and someone ripped them off her car and slapped a "WWJD" sticker on her windshield.

Title: Re: Have You Ever Been The Subject Of Discrimination As A Vampire?
Post by: Sfinelli3 on November 19, 2009, 03:20:01 PM
Thats just horrible!  And my window was broken and wouldnt go up and someone put christian magazines and more notes on my car.  :(

Title: Re: Have You Ever Been The Subject Of Discrimination As A Vampire?
Post by: GraVes on November 19, 2009, 03:22:56 PM
crazy people in this world

Title: Re: Have You Ever Been The Subject Of Discrimination As A Vampire?
Post by: belovedofdeath on November 19, 2009, 03:23:41 PM
And the thing is they were serious!  I hate it when people are so ignorant.

Out of curiosity, why is it ok to plaster your car with bumper stickers for everyone to see, and its not ok for someone to answer you in turn with their beliefs in a fashion where only you would see it?

Pot?  Meet Kettle.

Because I am merely expressing my views, they are critisizing my views by telling me I am completely wrong.  It is a bit insulting dont you think?

no, they were just expressing their view that you're wrong.
you exercised your right to say that you think that they're wrong by putting those stickers on your car.  


it doesn't make what they did right, but it does mean that you don't have moral piety on this one.

A friend of mine had some pagan stickers on her car and someone ripped them off her car and slapped a "WWJD" sticker on her windshield.

now this, i could get upset at.  they actually defaced this person's car.  that's uncalled for.  just leaving a polite little note on your windshield is nothin'.

Thats just horrible!  And my window was broken and wouldnt go up and someone put christian magazines and more notes on my car.  :(

may as well get used to that in our society. (shrug)  so long as they aren't doing damage to you, just be polite and throw them out when you get home or something.  in general people already think pagans are devil-worshippers and all that. (shrug) why present a hateful angry face to them and further that view?

Title: Re: Have You Ever Been The Subject Of Discrimination As A Vampire?
Post by: GraVes on November 19, 2009, 07:26:58 PM
I use to be the one who would pass out church fliers. Went door to door talking about god, looking for people who were obviously not christian so that I could convert them and look good in front of good and my church peers. God what was wrong with me?

Title: Re: Have You Ever Been The Subject Of Discrimination As A Vampire?
Post by: belovedofdeath on November 19, 2009, 07:31:38 PM
I use to be the one who would pass out church fliers. Went door to door talking about god, looking for people who were obviously not christian so that I could convert them and look good in front of good and my church peers. God what was wrong with me?

you were only doing what you thought was right at the time. (shrug) not a big deal.

Title: Re: Have You Ever Been The Subject Of Discrimination As A Vampire?
Post by: paindancer on November 19, 2009, 08:11:37 PM
Well said beloved.

Title: Re: Have You Ever Been The Subject Of Discrimination As A Vampire?
Post by: GraVes on November 19, 2009, 08:16:48 PM
But now I know just how egotistical i was then. I looked down on people who weren't Christians. I knew I was better than them and that I needed to fix them.

Title: Re: Have You Ever Been The Subject Of Discrimination As A Vampire?
Post by: belovedofdeath on November 19, 2009, 08:41:04 PM
But now I know just how egotistical i was then. I looked down on people who weren't Christians. I knew I was better than them and that I needed to fix them.

it's in the past. hakuna matata.  learn from it and grow. :)

Well said beloved.

why thank you. :)

Title: Re: Have You Ever Been The Subject Of Discrimination As A Vampire?
Post by: GraVes on November 19, 2009, 09:01:44 PM
I try

Title: Re: Have You Ever Been The Subject Of Discrimination As A Vampire?
Post by: Sfinelli3 on November 20, 2009, 08:55:55 AM
My point is, if they have Christian bumper stickers on their car, which many people do, I would never disrespect them for having them on their car, and I would never tell them they were wrong.  Whatever you believe is real for you, but when they do that to me I am very insulted. 

Title: Re: Have You Ever Been The Subject Of Discrimination As A Vampire?
Post by: GraVes on November 20, 2009, 11:03:55 AM
It's life. Respect and consideration is seriously lacking in this world

Title: Re: Have You Ever Been The Subject Of Discrimination As A Vampire?
Post by: paindancer on November 20, 2009, 11:16:19 AM
I have found, the perception of having moral high ground is a good indicator you are in the gutter.

Hell, people put club flyers all over all over on peoples cars when you go to Hollywood.  Should I feel offended?  Geez, I think I got a flyer from El Polo Local too... damn them for invading my privacy with taunts of their chickeny goodness!

Instead of letting these things anger me, or assume I have moral high ground, I welcome discussion.  I listen, and then present my own stance.  I have nothing to fear from these people, and I bear them no animosity.  My words are more likely to be heard, and minds are open.

There was a reason, the Church of Christ banned their members from talking to me on campus.  ;)

Look at it this way:  There are times for armor and blades.  There are others which call for an embrace and a scalpel.

Title: Re: Have You Ever Been The Subject Of Discrimination As A Vampire?
Post by: GraVes on November 20, 2009, 11:20:21 AM
and when someone puts a WWJD sticker on your windshield where exactly is the discussion? I'm all for having discussions about religion, I love to actually. But when the people are being dicks then how do i embrace them when they are too cowardly to be around?

Title: Re: Have You Ever Been The Subject Of Discrimination As A Vampire?
Post by: paindancer on November 22, 2009, 10:08:05 AM
I think putting a bumpersticker on a window would indicate there was no intent to share views, only to anger.  In reality, that act would be more of a dessicration of the christian faith than anything I could do to it.  No need to talk to that person, they already lost.

That and I would give them a bumpersticker with WWPDD on it.  (what would paindancer do?)

Title: Re: Have You Ever Been The Subject Of Discrimination As A Vampire?
Post by: Sfinelli3 on November 24, 2009, 09:40:35 AM
It is all in the intent, I dont put bumper stickers on my car to bash anyone, they do not bash anyone.  One has pentagrams on it, the other says "Harm none, do what ye will." and the other is "In Perfect Love and Perfect Trust".  How is that in any way angering?  Then when someone puts things on MY car, saying you're wrong and are going to burn for all eternity in a horrible place, that's.......just not cool!  (said for lack of better words).  I would have no problem with someone putting Christian bumper stickers on their car, It doesnt offend me in any way.  I just dont like it when they bash me on MY car.

Title: Re: Have You Ever Been The Subject Of Discrimination As A Vampire?
Post by: belovedofdeath on November 25, 2009, 10:59:38 AM
It is all in the intent, I dont put bumper stickers on my car to bash anyone, they do not bash anyone.  One has pentagrams on it, the other says "Harm none, do what ye will." and the other is "In Perfect Love and Perfect Trust".  How is that in any way angering?  Then when someone puts things on MY car, saying you're wrong and are going to burn for all eternity in a horrible place, that's.......just not cool!  (said for lack of better words).  I would have no problem with someone putting Christian bumper stickers on their car, It doesnt offend me in any way.  I just dont like it when they bash me on MY car.

i think you're letting your anger from it get in the way of just accepting that it happened and moving on.

Title: Re: Have You Ever Been The Subject Of Discrimination As A Vampire?
Post by: paindancer on November 25, 2009, 12:20:33 PM
Ah, but when you come from a very polarized form of thinking, some might take offense to your bumper stickers.  They may view it as defiance, they may find it a threat to their children whom they want no exposure to this.  You absolutely have a right to put it on your car.. it is called free speech.  They are exercising their right as well, and doing it on a personal level, as they believe that you are destined for suffering and do not want that for you.  Even if you do not agree with it, their motivation is honorable.

You seem to bear the same polarized stance that you criticize.  Sure you are on the other side of the fence, but when it comes to any religion or spiritual practice, it is unlikely you can offer any substantial proof to your belief.  Yet you mock them for their own belief and ridicule them for believing it.  You complain when these actions are done to you, but do it yourself?  I see flaws in your logic.

Oddly enough, neither paganism nor Christianity advocates judging others, yet both fall into it so easily.  Irony.

Title: Re: Have You Ever Been The Subject Of Discrimination As A Vampire?
Post by: GraVes on November 26, 2009, 11:02:54 PM
You must know that the reason why we decorate our cars and bikes with all this nonessential junk is because we want to show others that our beliefs are better than theirs or that we ridicule their beliefs. I know that you are just trying to say that the stuff you put on your car is an expression of yourself but by expressing your beliefs you are putting down other beliefs. And that is what others see. I know i know, crazy but the truth nonetheless.

Title: Re: Have You Ever Been The Subject Of Discrimination As A Vampire?
Post by: paindancer on November 27, 2009, 07:12:58 PM

I dont know.. perhaps a statement of belief is just that.. or a way to show community, like the rainbow bumper stickers for example.

Personally, I cant speak with any authority.  I dont put bumper stickers on my car or bike.  I do have an Arrogant Bastard sitcker on my skate board (isnt that appropriate) and a BRC sticker (Black Rock City).

Who knows what that is?  :)

Title: Re: Have You Ever Been The Subject Of Discrimination As A Vampire?
Post by: GraVes on November 27, 2009, 08:59:54 PM
I know a guy who tattooed the Arrogant Bastard Ale Demon on his neck. That's about it

Title: Re: Have You Ever Been The Subject Of Discrimination As A Vampire?
Post by: paindancer on November 28, 2009, 12:53:59 AM
ahem.. gargoyle

I live about 40 miles from the brewery.  Heaven!

Cali is so PC.  Even the stinking rose (a resturaunt where garlic is king) has a special menu for vampires, garlic free.

Title: Re: Have You Ever Been The Subject Of Discrimination As A Vampire?
Post by: GraVes on November 28, 2009, 12:58:40 PM
sorry sorry gargoyle

Title: Re: Have You Ever Been The Subject Of Discrimination As A Vampire?
Post by: razorblade_recon on February 20, 2010, 04:21:55 AM
No because Im not  Sang or A Psy, yes decrimination as a vampire, by whom you ask? funny enough others claiming to be Vampires. Would I change Why? Because I am methodical and always on my toes, I took what they spouted out as truths, and then informationally shot holes in their bucket leaving them no water.

Title: Re: Have You Ever Been The Subject Of Discrimination As A Vampire?
Post by: nttf on February 21, 2010, 01:57:02 PM
I don't trust others a lot so I've only told two close friends who I thought would understand. They took it fine, but one of them is starting to talk to me less even though he said he didn't care. Maybe he really is busy or maybe he's just freaked out by me.

I could never tell my family. They don't even think that vampires exist. They are so narrow minded that it's frustrating sometimes. But i have to deal with it like everything else in life. Even if i did tell them they would think that i am crazy and curse me out or what ever ignorant black people do when they can't except the Truth.
( No need to get appalled. I'm black too. It's just that some other black people make the ones who have sense look bad. But i still love them.)

Title: Re: Have You Ever Been The Subject Of Discrimination As A Vampire?
Post by: vitchy on February 27, 2010, 12:31:34 AM
Dont think it  matters what you are or claim to be. If its aside from the norm you are chastised for just being.  I go through it everyday.  I love scaring people any way.  Its fun!!!!!!!!!!!!  Fear the unknown!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Title: Re: Have You Ever Been The Subject Of Discrimination As A Vampire?
Post by: SilverRose on March 01, 2010, 10:50:18 AM
your right it doesnt matter what you are as long as your different, and yea it is pretty funn scaring people.  ;D

Title: Re: Have You Ever Been The Subject Of Discrimination As A Vampire?
Post by: nttf on March 01, 2010, 04:35:55 PM
I have to admit scaring people and seeing their reactions is hilarious. :D

Title: Re: Have You Ever Been The Subject Of Discrimination As A Vampire?
Post by: vitchy on March 03, 2010, 08:40:47 PM
The public is stuck in a norm so showing them something unusual makes their heart skip a beat in fear and maybe some wake up the feelings that they have been holding inside too scared that they will be judged by others.  But like I care.  They look tramatised!!!!  Hehe

Title: Re: Have You Ever Been The Subject Of Discrimination As A Vampire?
Post by: kitty27 on March 04, 2010, 08:53:12 AM
I am not a vampire but I have faced discrimination for being a friend/supporter of the community.

People stare and ask rude questions. I don't see what the problem is. My friends are my friends and I wouldn't desert them because of fear of what others think.

Title: Re: Have You Ever Been The Subject Of Discrimination As A Vampire?
Post by: SilverRose on March 05, 2010, 12:21:00 PM
Well with the things are today it doesn't matter if you are something or not as long as your associated with anything that they don't understand your still going to get criticized.

Title: Re: Have You Ever Been The Subject Of Discrimination As A Vampire?
Post by: nttf on March 11, 2010, 06:28:57 PM
Yea. I found someone who is also  psi vamp and were gonna tell one of our friend this weekend. Can't wait to see her expression  ;)

Title: Re: Have You Ever Been The Subject Of Discrimination As A Vampire?
Post by: Ssapphirevisions on March 12, 2010, 02:48:28 PM
      When I think of the word discrimination I think of being refused services be it medical or even something as simple, if you view it that way, of being denied to dine in a particular restaurant. So based on that idea of it no I have not been discriminated against. However, I don't dress goth, I don't wear fangs, dark makeup, or anything to draw attention to myself. I live in a small farming town where there are more churches than there are individuals, where a corn field is my back yard and where a wonderful family of Mennonites live across the road from me. It's much easier to just blend in as I don't care for drama or a lot of individuals around me, and I tend require ALOT of alone time.
        However, if you want to consider discrimination from friends and family into the equation that would be slightly different. My husband, who is a mundane, is not open to the idea that we exist, or that I am as I say I am. He argues that all beings exchange energy with every interaction. I've tried to explain it to him, even giving many examples of how I take in energy but he's deaf to it. So I've learned to leave well enough alone there. Despite his failure to even truly consider it, or understand it he does support me being involved within the community. 
I enjoy helping others. It's what I am good at. Recently, I was helping a friend via emails with questions he had -everything from the various forms of feeding, to what constitutes 'harm none' when it comes to vampires, to spirituality. His email was hacked into and I started receiving some emails from his handfasted partner who apparently had no clue he associated with us, or of his being a vampire. Her emails did not come in the form of questions but of accusations and subtle threats. Obviously I took precautions and closed out my email account and such ,although admittedly  I did reply to her first two emails -politely of course. Now I just have to research SA's history when it comes to vampires and how others who come across those of us who are vampires deal with it.
      I don't believe in looking back and saying I'd do this differently or that differently, even in this latter example I've given. I was honest, true to myself, and helping someone else, doing that which I am good at. I don't have regrets on how I conducted myself, and I don't regret my past.If I had the opportunity to go back and change something about those events or anything in my past I wouldn't change anything because every experience, every interaction, every emotion I've experienced has provided opportunities of growth and evolvement, and make up who I am today. However, since this latter incident I find that I'm not just more leery of those coming to me for assistance, but I'm .. hmm ...I wouldn't say hesitant but more on guard and cautious for my own sake and for the other members in the community.
      At any rate, besides these two incidents, no I have not been discriminated against but other than to those within the community or those who truly seek truth over ignorance, I highly doubt that I will come out of the coffin anytime in the near future. With all the Twilight fanatics as well as the bad press we've been getting lately, for my loved ones and my own safety it's best that way for now at least. I do hope that one day though that will change.

Title: Re: Have You Ever Been The Subject Of Discrimination As A Vampire?
Post by: vitchy on March 14, 2010, 10:28:39 PM
I feel all of us can discriminate at one point or another but it is put in a whole other context so the appearance changes so that it does not look like we are.  Humans tend to judge and usually a person becomes a group when one individual makes a bad decision.  Stereotyping is a form of descrimination even if we dont want to accept it.

Title: Re: Have You Ever Been The Subject Of Discrimination As A Vampire?
Post by: SilverRose on March 15, 2010, 12:35:55 PM
i believe that stereotyping is very discriminatory and i call people on it every once in a while.

Title: Re: Have You Ever Been The Subject Of Discrimination As A Vampire?
Post by: hexmoon3 on March 28, 2010, 01:22:47 AM
I'm not a fan of discrimination either but everyone stereotypes automatically in ones mind...take a look at the people you hang out with..."birds of a feather flock together", is not just a saying. What is important is to not let stereotypes turn into discrimination which can happen if you knowingly shun someone or make fun of someone based off of their stereotype.But in reality all humans label in their mind whether they are aware of it or not. Also, to Ssapphirevisions, sometimes it's better to stay to oneself to avoid drama...but
 a significant other is someone you should be able to share anything with especially if you are feeding off of them. But if he gives permission and still doesn't believe that you are doing it...I suppose it's best to leave well enough alone. No use causing a rift.

Title: Re: Have You Ever Been The Subject Of Discrimination As A Vampire?
Post by: razorblade_recon on March 28, 2010, 12:51:51 PM
I think that if oyu dont stick out on purpose that youll probably be o.k. in general.

Title: Re: Have You Ever Been The Subject Of Discrimination As A Vampire?
Post by: S on March 29, 2010, 09:07:56 AM
I find that whenever I tell someone, word travels around a bit faster than I'd like, and within days I'm labled as a creep, and stalked by twilight fans.  (which isn't necessarily a bad thing, since i'm in high school)

Title: Re: Have You Ever Been The Subject Of Discrimination As A Vampire?
Post by: hexmoon3 on March 31, 2010, 10:31:06 PM
That is why one must always be careful of whom one tells. S I do believe that being stalked by Twilight fans might turn dangerous. Do you actually like being liked because someone has the wrong idea of what a vampire is?

Title: Re: Have You Ever Been The Subject Of Discrimination As A Vampire?
Post by: S on April 01, 2010, 08:40:30 AM
That is why one must always be careful of whom one tells. S I do believe that being stalked by Twilight fans might turn dangerous. Do you actually like being liked because someone has the wrong idea of what a vampire is?
considering the age and sex of the majority of twilight fans, I do not consider it a bad thing.  although I do attempt to quell the misconceptions, there are...enjoyable...benefits that come from having twilight fans.

Title: Re: Have You Ever Been The Subject Of Discrimination As A Vampire?
Post by: vitchy on April 05, 2010, 10:37:22 PM
Im missing something...why would you be stalked by Twilight fans again??  Unless you are on the movie I call bull.  (Background stand ins and prop moving doesnt count.

Title: Re: Have You Ever Been The Subject Of Discrimination As A Vampire?
Post by: S on April 12, 2010, 10:15:50 AM
Im missing something...why would you be stalked by Twilight fans again??  Unless you are on the movie I call bull.  (Background stand ins and prop moving doesnt count.
I'll say it outright, then...there are a couple of incredibly cute fangirls I enjoy the company of

Title: Re: Have You Ever Been The Subject Of Discrimination As A Vampire?
Post by: hexmoon3 on April 15, 2010, 12:27:52 AM
You have what new one? That sentence was rather hard to read with that back round.

Title: Re: Have You Ever Been The Subject Of Discrimination As A Vampire?
Post by: vitchy on April 15, 2010, 01:23:25 AM
At least you admit the "fan girl" bit.      S.  Lol

And "the new one" it would be "Werewolf".  Lots of luck there

Title: Re: Have You Ever Been The Subject Of Discrimination As A Vampire?
Post by: S on April 15, 2010, 08:50:48 AM
At least you admit the "fan girl" bit.      S.  Lol
And "the new one" it would be "Werewolf".  Lots of luck there
aside from the various misconceptions its caused, twilight does make it far easier to be open in today's society.

Title: Re: Have You Ever Been The Subject Of Discrimination As A Vampire?
Post by: hexmoon3 on April 15, 2010, 04:12:51 PM
S. While what you say is true I will still have to say that while it may be easier to come out into today's society because of twilight I would not because I do not like being able to come out due to a misconception of what vampires are.

Title: Re: Have You Ever Been The Subject Of Discrimination As A Vampire?
Post by: SilverRose on April 16, 2010, 09:39:28 AM
Even without the help of the twilight the misconceptions are still great. Of course for me like alot of people who have came out since twilight... well it just makes everything worse especially when people start asking you questions like how come you can be out in the sun or why dont you sparkle. So i would have to say that it's easier to come out as far as persecution goes, but if you just hate stupid people then i wouldnt sugest coming out except maybe to your closet friends who you know would understand.   

Title: Re: Have You Ever Been The Subject Of Discrimination As A Vampire?
Post by: Myrbree on May 16, 2010, 02:28:42 AM
I tried to give hints to my mom about my vampirism but her reaction to some things were just as so, that it became quickly obvious she would not understand to begin with. I wont go into what was actually discussed but it was just obvious it would go right over her head if I did come out of the coffin. It was even worse when my dad was alive. Then I was persecuted and he burned my stuff in full view of the public because he thought I was doing "black magick".  :-\  So I am pretty much a hermit with no friends (offline). Am I happy living this way? Hell no. Its just to me a friend is someone who understands you. No one like that in my area. Online sites are great, imagine being a vampire before computers or the internet even existed. Those vamps probably DID go insane.  ::)


Title: Re: Have You Ever Been The Subject Of Discrimination As A Vampire?
Post by: Glenn on July 05, 2010, 11:54:49 PM
I've tried and I get "huh?? what are you talking about? don"t understand what you are saying" So I have given it a rest. All my friends online and in person know me as being eccentric and some try to tell me I am gifted (I make no such claim for myself). So that is how it is with me so far (in life things change).

Title: Re: Have You Ever Been The Subject Of Discrimination As A Vampire?
Post by: Oblivionburns on July 11, 2010, 03:29:07 PM
I have told one long-time friend & was responded to with derision.  He has his own perception of what a vampire should be, & since I'm not a walking corpse, I don't fit the bill.  He DID react to my aggressive draining of his energy, which I didn't tell him I was doing.  He necame confused & started to sound like he was going senile.  Then he fell asleep on the couch in our living room.  He hasn't mentioned it since.

I haven't had any discrimination about what I am, really, because I don't always play the popularly perceived part.  I'm sneaky that way.  Enough of words... actions speak louder than!

Title: Re: Have You Ever Been The Subject Of Discrimination As A Vampire?
Post by: LilyBlackwood on July 12, 2010, 03:55:27 PM
I tell people that are really interested in it. Those that look at me and say: "There is something more about you, what is it?" But I am pretty out of the coffin... because I want to set a good example and want to teach people that have the potential of understanding it all. Of course, I have been ridiculed and been called names... calling me "deranged" as many do... won't actually affect me, as I have a mental problem: bipolar depression for which I refused using drugs.
I can't really draw the line between what is and what isn't discrimination. My parents only know I study vampirism... nothing more.

Title: Re: Have You Ever Been The Subject Of Discrimination As A Vampire?
Post by: ariesffa1500 on July 13, 2010, 04:47:21 PM
People are stupid and fear what they do not understand. Why should things change now? Humans as a general rule understand less than they would like to admit to. And we will all suffer some sort of discrimination at one point in our lives or another. Now I am however starting to think that I am being discriminated against for being "vampire", but only time will tell on that one.

Title: Re: Have You Ever Been The Subject Of Discrimination As A Vampire?
Post by: Darklilone on October 29, 2010, 08:53:42 PM
i have because all my friends are where wolfs :(

I apologize for the necro-post.

The New One, i think you should probably review the rules of the site. I do believe that changing the color of text or the background is against forum rules.
"Where wolfs" also dont' exist.
If you're talking "Werewolves", that all depends on your definition of it. The kind you see in movies, does not exist.
As far as you being discriminated against because they are werewolves and you're a vampire (if i understand right), That's a personal thing.
Any issues between you and your "friends" is probably more likely a personal thing than related to your spiritual/metaphysical/astral self (or whatever).
I'm saying the fact that you claim to be a "vampire" and you claim your friends are "werewolves" does not attribute to why they would discriminate against you.
Underworld and Twilight may be good movies (to some), but they're just that, movies.

Title: Re: Have You Ever Been The Subject Of Discrimination As A Vampire?
Post by: Oblivionburns on December 12, 2010, 04:38:54 AM
I really think these movies do little justice to the actual condition of energy depletion that's more prevalent among US.  I'd like to relate a quick story.

I was transferring from one city bus to another, waiting for the second bus to come, when some guy (short, maybe 120 pounds, about my size) started trying to push a half-eaten sandwich on me.  I refused politely several times, then began to lose my patience altogether, as he wouldn't leave me alone.  I felt a strange electric-shock-type sensation in my face & told him in a voice that brooked no disagreement to "SIT DOWN! NOW."  He slumped back against the bus stop shelter & slid down to the sidewalk, mouth slack & eyes glazed.  I leaned down a bit, passed my hand in front of his face a few times & since I got no response my predatory nature got the best of me.  I hissed at him, "Never speak to me again."  He was still sitting there when the bus came about 10 minutes later.  I don't know how this was possible, but I think it was because I truly felt threatened.  It was nearly 11:00pm & there were only a few people around, no one was within earshot.  If I was responsible for his reaction I would love to know how I did it.

Title: Re: Have You Ever Been The Subject Of Discrimination As A Vampire?
Post by: Fledgling on January 08, 2011, 06:08:20 PM
I have to live in the shadows. Vampyrism is NOT accepted where i come from. My family are unaware and only my donors and 2 other people are aware of what i am. Heck, im 29 and my own family does not accept my bisexualism so what chance do i have of them accepting me as sang!!

Title: Re: Have You Ever Been The Subject Of Discrimination As A Vampire?
Post by: Lillith Darkwraith on January 08, 2011, 07:09:18 PM
Sad but true this is just the way the world works. Discrimination isn't just a vampire thing you could be like me with genetic disorders, or other illness. Sex has always been an issue in the world of the patriarchs. There's all kinds of discrimination too numerous to put on this thread and I bet there'd be more.  It seems that the strongest and most fittest wins the race unless there's a Lawyer around. People will judge you whether you like it or not; whether your Vampire or not, it just seems to be that way.

Title: Re: Have You Ever Been The Subject Of Discrimination As A Vampire?
Post by: Fledgling on January 09, 2011, 07:34:17 AM
This is the latest to get around Facebook - I was not impressed
Had captions like "does anyone know of any vampires we can try this on??"


Title: Re: Have You Ever Been The Subject Of Discrimination As A Vampire?
Post by: Lillith Darkwraith on January 09, 2011, 10:04:44 AM
This is the latest to get around Facebook - I was not impressed
Had captions like "does anyone know of any vampires we can try this on??"


You should tell them to try it on themselves to see if they work properly because they don't want to go out with faulty equipment, lol...

Title: Re: Have You Ever Been The Subject Of Discrimination As A Vampire?
Post by: RKCoon on January 09, 2011, 11:58:42 AM
On topic -- My second ex dumped me primarily because I wanted to explore sexuality. Im not stupid enough to expose myself in such a way as to be opened for such discrimination.

Title: Re: Have You Ever Been The Subject Of Discrimination As A Vampire?
Post by: XXXDameaXxXD on August 01, 2012, 03:20:17 AM
I mean, society tends to attack anything that is generally deemed different...whether it be Vampyre, another religion, sexuality, or the occasional loner. I myself have grown up, like most of us I'm sure, a fish out of water in the Bible belt. Discrimination is not uncommon here, or anywhere really. You're always going to encounter the narrow-minded and fearful. It's prone to happen. Society attacks those they do not comprehend. All I can say is live your life and forget all else. Shrug off the insults and slurs. Heck, let it fuel you, motivate you to never become like the narrow-minded. People will in time come to respect your inner strength and strong will as a person to get through such an ordeal.

Title: Re: Have You Ever Been The Subject Of Discrimination As A Vampire?
Post by: XXXDameaXxXD on August 01, 2012, 03:24:38 AM
I do not hide who I am for no one. I am proud of who I am as an individual, and I strongly encourage this path. In my opinion, to be true to one's self is the most important thing in life. Otherwise, one will never find true happiness, only turmoil.

Title: Re: Have You Ever Been The Subject Of Discrimination As A Vampire?
Post by: onelight on August 12, 2012, 03:24:07 PM
Yes and they laugh and tell you your crazy . Thanking its a joke or its not true.

Title: Re: Have You Ever Been The Subject Of Discrimination As A Vampire?
Post by: Zeratul on April 23, 2013, 05:38:05 AM
I do not hide who I am for no one. I am proud of who I am as an individual, and I strongly encourage this path. In my opinion, to be true to one's self is the most important thing in life. Otherwise, one will never find true happiness, only turmoil.

Ah but if you have ever been discriminated against you would not be able to say that. Trust me, the Shadows have become my friend once again. There are some who are in the Know here that know my story, but I keep them close though one day my story may come out completely.

Title: Re: Have You Ever Been The Subject Of Discrimination As A Vampire?
Post by: XXXDameaXxXD on June 02, 2013, 01:17:20 AM
I do not hide who I am for no one. I am proud of who I am as an individual, and I strongly encourage this path. In my opinion, to be true to one's self is the most important thing in life. Otherwise, one will never find true happiness, only turmoil.

Ah but if you have ever been discriminated against you would not be able to say that. Trust me, the Shadows have become my friend once again. There are some who are in the Know here that know my story, but I keep them close though one day my story may come out completely.

And that is a judgement you simply cannot possibly make being as you do not know me. No. I am no coward. I'm not a superhero and I don't broadcast myself. But I am very brave and I hold true to my beliefs. In my opinion, anything otherwise is cowardice. But I will not call anyone I do not know a coward. Simply put, that is my way.

Title: Re: Have You Ever Been The Subject Of Discrimination As A Vampire?
Post by: Glenn on June 25, 2014, 06:54:32 PM
Sorry I have not been here in a while.

I have a problem with a Christian church. They have my membership status at what amounts to "almost excommunicated" and will not let me hold a position or let me be anywhere but at the very bottom. They know I am very different than they are. This really makes me angry and hurts my feelings because I have never said or done anything to put down anyone's religion.